Form a team. Two females and 2 males. Need help? No stress. Register and we’ll help place you in a team. Juniors on yellow ball are encouraged to play.
Minimum of 4 players per team consisting of 2 females and 2 males. This is an Open Grade event where players should have an understanding of serving and returnging. Round Robin format with teams divided into different pools pending number of entries.
Mens Doubles. Ladies Doubles. Mixed Doubles.
1 set Ladies Dubs – 1 set to 6 games, short deuce, 7 pt tiebreak at 5-5.
1 set Mens Dubs – 1 set to 6 games, short deuce, 7 pt tiebreak at 5-5.
1 set Mixed Dubs – 1 set to 6 games, short deuce, 7 pt tiebreak at 5-5.
Wed 30 Oct – Wed 4 Dec
7pm – 10pm
Only ONE ENTRY required per team, even if you need help forming a team.
Entry Fee: $45 per team
Reserve Player Entry: $10 per week (payable upon the respective week.)
*SSC Tennis Members ONLY. No extra peak hour fee applicable for Day Members. Stricly NO REFUNDS.